It's been a while since I've posted a blog. Life has been busy for both Renate and I. Renate has begun her voluntary work with the VSO Uganda Programme Office and she's been head down on t'internet checking out who the donor agencies / governments are in Uganda and what are the kinds of work that they are keen to fund. At the MARPs Network the last four weeks have been dominated by the exciting and long overdue move to the organisation's own offices for the very first time. Since starting out nearly two years ago the Network has been like a 'cuckoo in the nest' in other people's offices. These hosts have been kind and considerate but of course there are awkward moments. It is really lovely to be settling in at plot 16 Kenneth Dale Drive, Kamwokya (pronounced "Camwotcha").
This first picture shows our most recent office - it's the shed with the blue roof at the end of the yard. Cosy to say the least but the Uganda Hotels, Food and Tourism Trade Union didn't take a penny in rent and were kind and friendly to us.

Here's the new office, practically hidden by lovely bushes, flowers and trees - it's a converted house in an estate where nearly all the houses have become offices - it's near a busy road and it's better for commercial use than for residential use.

Below is the view of the garden from the 'boardroom window' - it's really lovely as the greenery does keep the building cooler on the hot days

Doctor Geoffrey (MARPs Network Executive Director) and Doctor Thomas Muyunga (Senior Programme Officer) preparing for a meeting in the nice bright new boardroom

There's a dining room and we share a meal together at midday which is very civilised - here Geoffrey's Mum has popped in to see the new offices and she is thrilled that at last her son (who she is rightly hugely proud of) has a decent place to work from

I get to meet Geoffrey's Mum and she has just said that it's nice to meet the Mzee (Old Man!) at last!

Here, Richard our Office Manager - standing on the right is having his work station 'blessed' by a minister who has taken a supportive interest in his career since he was a little lad. Richard has put his heart and soul into the organisation of the move and it's great to see how proud and relieved he is that we are all so thrilled by the result.

I confess to have been a little taken aback by the extent to which the office move has been celebrated by my colleagues. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't really take in the fact that they all see the achievement of getting and furnishing an office as hugely symbolic - "nothing's going to stop us now!" is the mood. I suppose if I had been around from the start I would have been more tuned in to this. Geoffrey's Mum said during lunch that it had been a big struggle to get to this point and many was the time that she thought the difficulties being encountered would prove just too much to overcome. She also went on to say that having overcome the difficulties - winning the struggle - meant that there are now firm foundations for the future of the MARPs Network's.
These wise words helped me understand better, and properly for the first time, the concept of 'the struggle' that is endured - and expected - by many if not all Ugandans in their everyday lives. So that when an achievement is realised, like the Network getting its first offices, it really is a time for celebration and giving thanks.
The work of MARPs is truly inspirational and the response to the office move clearly reflects the passion and commitment of the whole team. The work they do clearly means so much to them. I'll have an ask around about the trusts and get back to you.
ReplyDeleteVery much looking forward to meeting everyone in December! In awe of you all. Lots of love xxx