Monday 24 May 2010

To Jinja and the source of the Nile

Uganda is an amazingly beautiful country - stunning stuff to see and lovely people to greet you and show you round wherever you go. This past weekend we felt in need of a 'pick-me-up' away from the bustle of Kampala. Fifty miles from Kampala is the source of the river Nile at a place called Jinja. We set off on Saturday morning - we'd booked into a cosy guest house - we arrived in time for lunch and to our delight discovered that Rhona and Bobby (also VSO volunteers from Kampala) were also staying at the same place with a couple of friends from Edinburgh - where Rhona and Bobby are from. This was great as Rhona and Bobby had been to Jinja a couple of times already and so we were going to be in the hands of experienced tour guides!

Here's the group of us pictured on tiny Ripon Falls island in the middle of the brand new River Nile - just after it has left Lake Victoria. In three month's time the water passing this island will emerge into the Mediterranean Sea. The main body of water in the new River Nile flows north out of Lake Victoria but there's also an upsurge of underground water at 'the source' and in this photograph you might be able to make this out just below the white fringed wavelets
Here's a Kingfisher lining up its dive right above 'the source' - oblivious to us such was its concentration
A graceful beauty (I have no idea what it's called!) resting in a tree very close to 'the source' - it was about 3.00 pm and still very warm and many of the birds seemed quite dozy
The boatman who took us out on the River Nile had good local knowledge and after we'd left 'the Source' he steered a course directly towards this tree where he was fairly sure we'd see an African Fish Eagle - sure enough there was this sleepy beauty - she/he didn't move a muscle
12 kilometres north of 'the Source' of the Nile are Bujagali Falls - sadly soon to be submerged under a dam that is currently being constructed
As a way of earning cash from tourists local guys strap themselves to a yellow plastic 5 gallon petrol can and surf the falls - unfortunately several have gone permanently missing over the last few years - here's a guy getting into position for the best line through the falls
He's on his way - with a look of determination on his face?
He's successfully through the first rapids, just the really nasty ones with the jagged rocks to negotiate next - scary stuff
Mr and Mrs Smith posing for the family album!
In the distance is Lake Victoria and the Nile flows towards the foreground where below and to the right are the Bujagali Falls
The "Gately-on-the-Nile" guesthouse - lovely house, lovely people, lovely food and gorgeous gardens - perfick for a pick-me-up!
Bright coloured flowers are in abundance in the gardens
An early morning butterfly
Below is a "Google Earth" image showing the River Nile flowing out of Lake Victoria at the bottom of the picture. You can make out the white foam of the Bujagali Falls towards the top of the picture.


  1. very very nice.god bless africa and all

  2. What a beautiful place! Our only question ... Ian, where is the photo of you negotiating the rapids?
    Ray & Pat



Ian will be working as a volunteer with VSO and he's set a fund raising target of £1,000 to be reached before setting off. Money raised will go to support VSO's most pressing needs - it won't be used to fund Ian's placement.