Sunday, 28 August 2011

Field trip to Northern Uganda

Last week Mboizi Richard, Natukunda Shalince and Ian travelled from Kampala to Northern Uganda. The MARPs Network is focusing its work in priority districts where most at-risk populations are especially vulnerable to HIV infection. The Network has chosen four priority districts in each of Northern, Eastern, Western and Central Uganda. The districts in Northern Uganda are Apac, Amolotar, Lira and Dokolo. These Districts form a Lango speaking sub region to the north of Lake Kyoga.The purpose of the visits was to meet officials from the District Local Government offices to brief them on the work of the MARPs Network. And to gain their support for forming partnerships to enable small civil society organisations to be supported in their work with most at-risk populations. Each District in Uganda employs an HIV Focal person who's job it is to try to coordinate effective action to combat the spread of HIV infection. The HIV Focal Person usually works very closely with the District Community Development Officer so as to engage with small and very local organisations that are likely to be trusted by most at-risk populations.
On our way from Lira to Apac along a very bumpy road we passed many very traditional compounds - in this compound a small thatched grain store can be seen - standing on legs to gain protection from insects.
A little further down the bumpy and by now very muddy road (the second rainy season of the year in this part of Uganda had just begun) we passed a contented group of cattle - these rounded horns caught the eye!
Another perfectly maintained compound in the local style which has been unchanged for centuries - the pattern of recently flowing water on the ground shows that the recent rain was significant.
Here we are meeting with Jolly, the Community Development Officer for Lira District. On the right of the picture in the grey T shirt is Natukunda Shalince who is the Organisational Development Trainee at the MARPs Network - shadowing Ian. On the far right is Judith Shiraku who is a VSO volunteer working in Lira - Judith is from Kenya and she's working as a public health manager with Lira District.
A meeting in Amolotar with District Local Government Officials - many expressed enthusiasm at the prospect of partnering with the MARPs Network.
Ian chatting to Alex Agoo who is the HIV Focal Person working with Amolotar District Local Government.

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Ian will be working as a volunteer with VSO and he's set a fund raising target of £1,000 to be reached before setting off. Money raised will go to support VSO's most pressing needs - it won't be used to fund Ian's placement.