3.00 pm Sunday 8 January - Ian has just arrived in Entebbe - collected by Geoffrey Mujisha and Natukunda Shalince, colleagues from the MARPs Network and before tucking into some Lake Victoria fish and chips a quick text to Renate to inform of safe arrival!

9 January - Joshua and Joy, our caretaker's children excited at opening pressies from Sheffield!

Our Donor - the Danish Government's Christmas present to the MARPs Network was to call for an end of year audit of finance and programme management. Here's Geoffrey reading the audit report to the team meeting on 30 January, the report gives the Network high marks - well done to the many colleagues who gave up some of their Christmas break to prepare for the audit!

This is a garage space at the Network's offices, there are hopes that it can be turned into a resource room to be used by members of the Network in Kampala. A likely project for fundraising when Ian returns to Sheffield in April

13 February - Natukunda giving her first presentation as Network Development Worker at the first meeting of Network members in western Uganda - she did brilliantly!

A participant at the western Uganda members' meeting held in Mbarara on 13 February.

14 February - it's Valentine's Day and this Wart Hog is thinking about someone to love - Ian passed on the offer!

14 February - on the way back from Mbarara the road to Kampala passes Lake Mburo National Park so the team (Natukunda, John (our driver) and Ian decided to take a look. These Zebras are breathtaking and there are loads of them in the park.

A magnificently proud male Water Buck doesn't seem to fazed by our presence

A stunningly beautiful Impala with a coat that seems so soft and flawless

This is a very large buck known as a "Topi" - again a beautiful shiny coat.

John, our driver, and Natukunda negotiating to buy "Matoke" - green bananas that are steamed and mashed - a very popular food to go with a meat sauce.

Seemingly the negotiations are going badly as the Matoke seller moves away. But this story did have a happy ending and two 'branches' of Matoke were purchased and taken to Kampala.

John and Natukunda at the Equator on our way back from Mbarara

Participants at the regional members meeting held on 20 February in Lira, northern Uganda - applaud as a certificate of membership is presented.

Discussion on priorities for the action plan for the next 12 months
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