Today was a public holiday in Uganda, celebrating the Eid Festival at the end of the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan. Renate and Ian went to Entebbe on the shore of Lake Victoria - 40 km south of Kampala. Their destination was the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC).
UWEC was opened in 1952 by the Colonial Government as an animal Orphanage that offered sanctuary to young animals found abandoned in protected areas due to the death or poaching of parent animals. In the early 1960s, it became a traditional zoo until 1994 when it was converted into a wildlife education centre.
All the animals have been rescued from poachers, illegal trade or accidents. The animals are brought to the centre by government agencies, animal welfare groups and concerned citizens.
Here are some highlights from the visit.

One of the residents of "Chimpanzee Island" at UWEC.

While looking through the view finder - aiming to focus on the Chimp - this nasty looking spider came into focus, so instead of the Chimp, the spider became the subject of this photograph. (you can enlarge the photograph by clicking on it)

These Vervet monkeys (at least that's what Ian thinks they're called) use team-work as a good way of speeding up the process of shifting the nits!

This little fella was messing about in a tree just a few feet away from Ian's face.

This baby otter seemed keen to show off newly developed swimming and diving skills

A relaxed doze - no sign of any attention being paid to anything - nice skin though - no wonder crocodiles are hunted for it.