Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Kampala bombings - 11 July 2010

Three bombs were detonated on Sunday 11 July around 11 pm just as the World Cup Final was nearing its climax.

The first bomb was detonated in the Ethiopian Village Restaurant in the Kabalagala suburb of Kampala. This partly open-air restaurant has several large flat screen TVs fixed to its walls and is a popular place for many to watch football. Many VSO volunteers join people from a range of nations in the welcoming atmosphere of the restaurant. Tragically it proved a very soft target for a terrorist bomber (allegedly) from 'Al Shabah' - a militant group from Somalia.

Shortly afterwards two further bombs were detonated at the Rugby Club at Lugogo about 2 miles east of Kampala City Centre. Here the New Vision newspaper had arranged a big free screening of the World Cup Final. Another very soft target that proved too tempting to resist for the (allegedly) 'Al Shabah' terrorists.

Yesterday 'Al Shabah' claimed responsibility for the bombings at a press conference in Mogadishu in Somalia. At the time of writing this blog over 80 people - Ugandans mostly but also people from other nations including USA, India and Ireland - have been killed. Countless others are horribly injured.

Renate, Ian and other VSO volunteers in Kampala are all OK but all of our thoughts are with the victims and their families at this sad time as the whole Country begins a period of mourning.

As with similar incidents elsewhere it continues to be an action that is very hard if not impossible to come to terms with and to understand. But life does goes on and we overwhelmingly experience around us people who are are generous, welcoming, kind and loving especially to us 'Muzungu' visitors.


Ian will be working as a volunteer with VSO and he's set a fund raising target of £1,000 to be reached before setting off. Money raised will go to support VSO's most pressing needs - it won't be used to fund Ian's placement.