Edward and Annet have featured several times in this blog. They take very good care of Ian and Renate at their apartment in Ntinda, Kampala.
Edward and Annet decided a few months back that they wanted to get married. But in Uganda tradition a man must be properly 'introduced' to the Family and home village of the woman that he intends to marry. So, for the last two to three months Edward and Annet have been working hard to save every penny and planning for the 'Introduction Ceremony' which took place on Sunday 26 June at Annet's family home - 75 kilometres south west of Kampala right on the Equator.
An introduction ceremony is a bit like a pageant. The 'bride-to-be' and her Family and friends from the village await the arrival of the 'groom-to-be' along with his family and supporters. Both 'sides' appoint a spokesman - the duty of the spokesman for the 'bride-to-be' is to interrogate the spokesman for the 'groom-to-be'. The objective of this 'inquisition' is to discover whether the man is worthy or not!
Once, everyone is satisfied that the 'groom-to-be' is OK, it's time for gifts to be presented and finally for food to be enjoyed. It's an enjoyable, but serious occasion.

Edward checking that he's still welcome - we've just arrived from Kampala. We had intended getting to Annet's village by 1.00 pm - it's just gone 3.00 pm. But they are not ready for us just yet!

The traditional ceremony dress for Ugandan women is called a "Gomez" - after a Portuguese who invented the style over 100 years ago. Here the cloth is being re-wrapped while we wait to be summoned to the Introduction. The wrapped cloth is secured by a large satin belt.

We receive the summons and those of us accompanying Edward makes our way up to Annet's family home through the banana plantation.

The chief challenger on behalf of Annet’s Family and friends in the village - it's his job to make sure Edward and his Spokesman sweat - to really get them to vouch for his good intentions and character.

Edward's spokesman together with the leader of the choir at his Church - there for moral support. Edward's spokesman had to rebut challenges from the village's spokesman that maybe he wasn't good enough for Annet.

Young women in Annet's village trying to 'catch the attention' of Edward and he has an opportunity to choose one. He rejects them and they weep - or pretend to weep!

At last . . after nearly two hours of pageant, the star attraction arrives to unanimous approval!

Phew! Nearly finished!

Linking hands towards the end of the 'Introduction'